Installing PHP on windows
Introduction of PHP
Rasmus Lerdorf wrote the first PHP -
first called Personal Home Page - scripts as a series of Perl scripts
that he used to track visitors to his webpage and to see who was viewing
his resume. He eventually rewrote PHP as a scripting engine and added
support for forms. Over the years the Personal Home Page acronym was
dropped and it evolved into the PHP Hypertext. PHP can be used to create
web applications ranging from personal websites to e-commerce
applications and community web portals i.e. disucssion forums, blogs
Installation Step :
1) Install Apache, Mysql, PHP (AMP):
There are 2 types server available to install AMP on windows(i) Windows AMP (WAMP)
(ii) XAMPP (common server for all OS)
for windows i advice you to use WAMP server
2) Download WAMP/XAMPP server.
(i) Download WAMP server from below link
(ii) Download XAMPP server from below link
(installation step of xampp is same as wamp)
3) Install WAMP server
simply install downloaded file as normal installation.
show version information of AMP. |
Select location of installation. keep it as it is. |
SMTP settings for EMail services. |
4)Test PHP
Check out tray icon will show wampserver icon (which means wamp server install successfully).
pen your browser to navigate to http://localhost. The WAMP welcome page will appear.
5)Start Programming
to run php script, please save your all php file in C:\wamp\www (usually).
(you can also change this path later)
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